About Me

As mentioned on the front page, I am a computational social scientist and a graphic designer.

I’m a doctoral research fellow at the Global Health Policy and Data Institute and a PhD student in Cognitive Science at University of California, San Diego. My current research involves using machine learning and social network analysis to investigate political mobilization, communication dynamics, and misinformation spread on social media.

Previously I was a Senior Quantitative Analyst at Insight Strategy Group (currently Marketcast), a market research and consulting firm. As an analyst, I have worked with clients in the entertainment industry such as NBC, Viacom, and Hulu, tech companies like Google and Uber, and consumer brands including RedBull, and Constellation Brands.

I was also the graphic designer for the University of Michigan NYC Alumni Association where I designed visual content promoting alumni events throughout the city on Facebook and Instagram. I have over a decades worth of experience working in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and have found opportunities to use my design skills in a variety of ways throughout my career.

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Below I further expand upon my experiences as both a data analyst and graphic designer by section.

Data Analyst Experience

While I was a Senior Quantitative Analyst at Insight Strategy Group, I worked on projects that help clients in the entertainment, consumer package goods, and tech industries gain deeper understandings of who their customers are and how they can better serve their needs. I have run k-means clustering on Segmentation Projects to reveal different types of people within a customer base, used correlations and regressions to see what drives customers’ affinity for a brand, and have designed MaxDiff and Conjoint exercises to learn what aspects of a product or service resonate the strongest with consumers. I also assisted in report writing as well as running the analytics for each project.

Before working at Insight, I was a Research Coordinator at the Stanford Graduate School of Business where I helped graduate students and faculty implement studies in the fields of behavioral marketing and management studies. As a research coordinator, I gained experience in the operations aspects of carrying out a study such as survey writing, survey programming (Qualtrics and SurveyMonkey), and online / in-person recruiting. I use my experiences working with business faculty at Stanford (as well as the Columbia Business School and the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan) to inform how I understand consumer behavior when interpreting data and creating insights.

Graphic Design Experience

I learned how to use Photoshop from taking a Media Arts class during my freshman year of high school, and after submitting my designs into art competitions (and placing in a few) graphic design became a passion that I continue to pursue to this day.

Before being the graphic designer for the UM NYC Alumni Association, I was the Communications Director for my masters program at Columbia University where I designed graphics promoting events to other students and advertising the program to prospective students.

When I was an undergraduate at the University of Michigan, I was the Creative Director of a student-run ad agency where we helped local businesses in Ann Arbor, MI develop marketing strategies and advertising to better connect with the surrounding student population. As the Creative Director, I designed ads and graphics for clients ranging from real estate agencies, theaters, and restaurants while also managing a team of designers to make sure they’re meeting client needs.