US Job Search

Job Searching Methods (Interactive)

produced using: R (packages: ggplot2, plotly)


This project explores how people use technology when looking for jobs and what job seeking methods are most popular. Data was provided from the Pew Research Center.

NOTE: These graphs are made interactive using plotly. Feel free to click on either graph to take you to the plotly site where you can customize how you view the graph.

Social Media

This graph shows that a much higher percentage of people use social media to research jobs as opposed to apply to jobs. Younger people tend to both research and apply to jobs through social media at a higher rate than younger people.

Job Seeking Methods

I wanted to look at overall trends in how people approach the job search – which resources do they consider important, and which resources have they actually used in the past two years?

The graph below shows that people rank Friends and Family, Professional Connections, and Online Resources as the most important and most used methods of finding jobs. Online Resources is the most common way that people have actually looked for jobs in the past two years.